Complete Core Pilates Mat Class [Schedule]

Our Complete Core mat class is suitable for all experience levels and a wide variety of age groups. This is not your garden variety mat class, but rather one that will creatively use bodyweight, the floor, and the Pilates repetoire to improve your ability to, well, Move Well! You'll see better joint function, more muscle recruitment, and increased mobility.

Complete Core Reformer Class [Schedule]

Our Complete Core Reformer class is a total-body workout. You'll strengthen your core, improve your endurance, and sculpt all your major muscle groups. This class suitable for all experience levels and a wide variety of age groups. You'll have lots of options for increasing or decreasing the challenge of the exercises to suit your needs.

Complete Core Reformer + Yoga Wall Class [Schedule]

Yoga Wall
Yoga Wall

The reformer and the Great Yoga Wall ® make excellent class companions. Between the two you'll experience deep core activation, balance and flexibility challenges, and gentle traction for your hips and spine. This class is suitable for all experience levels and a wide variety of age groups. You'll have lots of options for increasing or decreasing the challenge of the exercises to suit your needs.

EXO Chair Class [Schedule]

The chair may be the smallest piece of equipment in the Pilates arsenal but many consider it the meanest, I mean, the mightiest. This class is suitable for all fitness levels. Bring your sense of balance and/or a good sense of humor to the class! It is excellent for strengthening the whole body as exercises are done ALL over it - lying, sitting, and standing on the chair, as well as from positions to the sides of the chair.